Pittcon 2024

Rapid detection of Tuberculosis (TB) in Clinical Samples Using WaveGuide Separation Assay and μNMR Formµla™ prototype.

Initial proof of concept studies with polyclonal antibodies displayed:

  • Ability to detect clinically relevant strains of M. tuberculosis in Sputum.
  • The  WaveGuide Formμla™ μNMR detected 104 CFU/mL and should improve with further testing.
  • Successfully verified technology using clinical sputum samples.
  • An overall accuracy of ~90%, and sample accuracy ~85%.
  • Successful detection of TB between 1-3 hrs in sputum
  • Larger data sets are needed for further evaluation. It is expected that using monoclonal antibodies will increase both detection limits and accuracy. Further studies with this instrument are warranted.